Sunday, March 1, 2015

A night with the locals and the west coast

Got out of Nelson a bit late Saturday and given that driving on the wrong side of the road requires a great deal of concentration on my part, I found a free camp site not too far from Nelson, just outside of Wakefield. Shortly after arriving this guy (people call me Horse - with one 'o', he tells me) shows up with a home made tear drop trailer pulled by a mini and the fastest cooler kart I've ever seen (it wheelies!):

He was part of a group of 15-20 friends that get together and camp and bbq from time to time. They included me for a meal, jokes and singing. After about 5 names I let them know there was no way I'd remember them all so everyone else introduced themselves as Bruce :)  so Kiwi! Most of them got away before I could get a picture but here are are the core (the dog so looks like Riley!):

Moved on to Westport yesterday. Was going to stop at Lyell along the way and spend today hiking the area but the sandflies (biting gnats) were horrible and in a moment of near insanity, I jumped back in the car and moved on. Got a slow start today so I think I'll stay here one more night and take advantage of the free wifi at the Westport library before heading north tomorrow.

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