Thursday, February 12, 2015

Queen Charlotte Trail

71 km of extraordinary beauty. What more can I say? Except that I am pretty spent and everything hurts. Here's the itinerary:
15 km the first day from Ship Cove to Miners Camp - much of this was under dark cover of old growth forest. First night spent camping in an orchard owned by an elderly couple. Slept in the grass with the chickens! Was a bit worried about my pack getting there but it was waiting for me when I stumbled into camp.
11 km to Camp Bay and a quandary. The next leg is 24.5 km (about 15 miles) if I want my pack shunted, if I take it myself I can break it up but the terrain looks to be pretty steep and dry (can't use filter for water have to carry more). In the end I stayed one night in the campground and the next at "Noeline's Homestay" - an experience I'm so glad to have had. Noeline is 84 and still traveling 6-9 weeks every year - she's been to 62 different countries, none of them sharing her language or culture (she doesn't see the point of going somewhere she'd recognize).  She stays in hostels and never plans anything until she gets there. She is my hero!
24.5 km (plus the 45mins to the trail from Noelines) to Bay of Many Coves. Steep uphills, steep downhills, terrain not as nice but views of the bay were simply stunning. Very tired.
7.5 km to Mistletoe Bay. Hard day after yesterday and a restless night on cold hard ground. Mistletoe Bay is an eco camp that hosts school children a week at a time to teach them about sustainable living and other nature things - much like outdoor camp that Erik attended when he was in school. They were between kids and I nearly had the place to myself. Slept on the couch most of the afternoon then all night as well. Pack was delivered yet again without a hitch but I will have to carry it tomorrow luckily the hills are mild from here on out.
12.5 km to Anakiwa. Glad and sad to be done what an experience!

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